Need A Box Truck?

Need A Box Truck?


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Read out buying advice for box trucks

If you are searching for a vehicle that can carry plenty of cargo, there’s no better option than a box truck. A box truck has a separate, box-like cargo section that sits on its frame. It is a two-piece vehicle consisting of a cab and a box-like cargo. These two sections are connected without any division between them. Most of the box trucks contain roll-up doors on the backside which makes it easier to place larger items inside. It is also known as a cube truck, box van, or straight box truck.

Box trucks are one of the most popular vehicles used for the transportation of different appliances. These are commonly used by companies hauling machinery, furniture, or large boxes. Box truck business has now become global. Various manufacturers offer different types of box trucks like Mitsubishi Fuso, Isuzu, GMC W3500, NQR, NPR, UD 1200, Chevy, Nissan UD, FH, Hino and numerous others.

Why should we use a box truck

Using a box truck has many advantages. Let’s discuss some of the reasons why we should consider buying one:

  1. More Space

Box trucks offer more cargo space than cargo vans, so they are the best option for dealing with larger items. If there is much more load inside, it will make fewer trips. As a result, it saves time and fuel as well.

  1. Free Advertising

The sides of box trucks are large, so they are a great place to advertise. You can use its sides to promote your brand and public the details of your business.

  1. Safe and Secure Storage

A box truck is like a giant box on wheels. It is a safe and secure place to store your goods and protect them from various harmful elements during the journey. If it’s raining, or the weather is extremely hot, you don’t need to worry because your equipment is well protected.

Box Truck Sizes

A box truck comes in a variety of sizes having a couple of axles supporting it. Straight box trucks are the ones seen at the local U-Hal rental shops. They can range in all sizes from 10 feet to 26 feet in length. Other than its length, the height of a box truck is also something to consider. Small box trucks are about 6 feet tall while the larger ones can be over 8 feet tall. Most of the buyers wish to own a box truck that is not too big, nor too small. Too small trucks can lead to inappropriate stocking and risk of injury during loading and unloading. On the other hand, in a too-large moving truck, the things will be probably in transit. Hence, it also increases the chances of injury.

Box Truck Regularity Authority

A question arises here that who has the authority to over a box truck, federal government or the states? The answer to this question is “both”. The federal government sets the rules and standards while the states are responsible to enforce them. After the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956, the federal government has been overseeing the highways. It is the responsibility of the federal government to keep private vehicles and commercial vehicles mobile. To ensure that commercial trucks and buses are being operated by the law, it is up to the states. These regulations are continuously updated by The Department of Transportation and make them available for public viewing.

Leasing a box truck for Business

Despite shelling out a huge amount of money upfront, the better option is box truck leasing. It allows you to make use of that money somewhere else in your business. Its working is almost similar to renting an apartment. Out of the total amount of truck, you will have to pay a certain small amount each month. This amount depends upon the interest rate and lender. After the agreement expires, you have the choice to renew your box truck lease, return the box truck, or purchasing it for a bargain purchase. Box truck lease is a cost-effective and practical solution for small businesses that have limited resources. As down payments are not required by box truck leasing companies, it requires a minimum initial investment.

Rental rates are likely to be higher during the peak season. The rental rate of a moving box truck, 10-17 foot, is likely to be $20 to $30 per day and $30 to $40 for 20-26 foot box truck. In addition to these, you will also be responsible for the mileage.

Box Truck Pricing

Prices of box trucks can vary widely from company to company or dealer to dealer. Price also depends on location. In low-income areas, the prices will be significantly low as compared to high-income areas. Let’s discuss the prices of some new box trucks which are for sale.

  1. The price of Light-duty class 2 and 3 box trucks can range from $25,000 to $45,000.
  2. The price of Medium duty class 4 box trucks can range from $35,000 to $50,000.
  3. The price of Medium duty class 5 box trucks can range from $45,000 to $70,000.
  4. The price of Medium duty class 6 box trucks can range from $50,000 to $90,000.

Now let’s talk about the prices of moving box trucks for sale. The price depends upon the size and condition of the truck. A six to ten-year-old 12 foot box truck can cost about $1500. Newer box trucks range between $12000 to $24000. Box trucks that are two years old or less, cost about $30,000 to $ 41,000. Having 10,000 lb payload capacity, a 26 foot box truck can cost $57,000 to $72,000.


There is much that can be done by a box truck that cannot be done by other vehicles. Looking at its size, power, and load-bearing capacity, box trucks have become an essential component of business for many people these days. So, what are you waiting for! If you have an old model truck or cargo van, replace it with a box truck and enjoy a better ride!

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