Need Time and Attendance Systems?

Need Time and Attendance Systems?


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Read out buying advice for time and attendance systems

Are you looking for a system that provides assistance in managing human resources? Then you are at the right place because we are here to provide you something very special that would not only help you to manage the timings of employees but will also help you generate numerous valuable reports that could help you effectively manage your resources.

Time and Attendance System is a software solution to your daily attendance problems. In this modern era of technology, it is not a worthy idea to manage attendance manually. Not only it increases the time required for attendance compilation but there is also a high chance of fraud. To ensure that your company is secure of these issues it is the best choice to opt for time and attendance system.

Time and Attendance System provides a complete system to companies to manage their employees efficiently. As a part of the solution, the company provided biometric devices and each employee is registered on it. After registration on the machine, the company provided an attendance portal on which each employee can log in to check his or her attendance. Moreover, this portal also allows employees to add their leaves and provide them with a complete solution to manage their attendance.

Attendance management is one of the biggest concerns of the companies now days. It is the reason due to which the companies now days are looking for a customized solution for their attendance management. This time and attendance is a perfect solution for all your problems. With its efficient processing and ability to scale, it is certainly the go to solution for all your attendance related issues. As we move ahead we will get to know the benefits of using this system and also how this system can improve the performance of the company along with the employees.


  • Accurate calculation of time and leaves. Calculating manually brings in the chance of human error which is removed when these things are run automatically.
  • Report Generation to identify trends, which ultimately assist in making valuable decisions. A year and month-end report to HODs to ensure that employees are completing hours.
  • Reduces chances of mismanagement. With our extremely efficient software system, we are sure of the fact that you will not get a single delayed report. On spot calculation of worked hours and leaves will ensure that you are always ready to make an analysis.
  • With the use of business intelligence and machine learning, you can mark out different trends and make valuable decisions that could help the company grow.
  • With biometric attendance, you are sure of the fact that no other employee could mark someone else’s attendance. This would not only ensure accuracy in data but also eliminate the chance of fraud that is easily manageable in a manual attendance system.
  • Extracting and managing data history is another major benefit of this amazing solution. To manage data manually you need physical storage place to ensure that all the important documents are kept safe. However, there is a huge chance of misuse or loss of important data. With time and attendance system, this chance is minimal because of its integration of high-end security.


After reading all the benefits above, we are sure of the fact that you have made your mind to switch to biometric attendance system that provides you the chance to manage your human resources in a much better way. Follow the steps mentioned below and you are ready to kick-start your time and attendance system in your company.

Do your research

It is important to ensure that will this system prove to be worthwhile for your company. It is the time to research about the pricing. Right below, we have discussed the pricing of all components of Time and Attandance System. Please consider reading it.


The pricing of a Time and Attendance system depends on multiple factors like number of employees who can register, how many modules it provides and the servers that are used to manage it.

On average, for a computerized time clock expect to pay from $350-$1,000. Whereas, $100 to $680 for an electronic time clock, and around $150 to $350 for the old-fashioned mechanical time clocks.

Considering the number of users, this breaks down to from $4 to $40 per user for a small business having 25 employees, whereas 40 cents to $4 per user for larger companies having 250+ employees.

Biometric systems that log time punches-in and punch-outs based on finger are by far the costliest solutions currently available, starting around $800 per unit and quickly rising to $3,200 or even more.


So are you looking for a complete solution for time and attendance management? Then do not worry and relax back because here is a complete solution for your problems the amazing Time and Attendance Management System. A complete solution not only manages your attendance system but also provides solution for numerous other problems related to attendance. So, simply fill the form above and our team will contact you with price quotes from professionals.

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