Need Business Internet Access Services?

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Tech Fact: According to research, a one-hour technical downtime can cost a whopping 98% decrease to businesses doing total damage of $100,000!

Now here is the deal, as per a study about 60% of the enterprises end up losing their access to data at least once a year. The alarming situation is when about 40% of these outages last at least for five hours or more. Either being a small or large company, you wouldn’t want your business to afford the loss due to loss of connectivity for hours.

With the digital transformation around the world, companies these days are switching to” Cloud tipping point” which requires to opt for quality heightened Internet Access for Business. The Secure data connectivity plays an essential factor for companies to enhance their omnichannel customer experience, Communications, personalized mobile application, data backup and IoT (Internet of everything) through which every device connects.

The question here is, how do businesses perform all these functions, and what role does internet access play?

How Can Efficient Internet Access Help Any Business Grow?

Internet Access is the facility provided for an organization or individual to connect with the internet using cables, devices, computer terminals etc. It helps them to access different services including email, surfing search engines on the world wide web etc.

An active Internet Access for Business reflects as the outshining cornerstone for modern and fast enterprises operational around the globe. About 88% of the businesses have switched to cloud computing for storing their data, communication records, software backup and applications. It requires these businesses to have access to ultra-fast and reliable data connectivity. The fast internet access helps them to empower their communication, profitability, data storage, cloud backup, reputation, online presence and collaborations in the market.

Features Facilitation Required Through Efficient Internet Access For Business

A smart business owner would surely understand the need for Internet Access necessary for his employees and data computing in an organization. A resourceful and reliable Internet Access is required even in small businesses to large corporations for multiple tasks. Majority of the companies require it for the following features:

  • Internet access
  • Voice (VoIP)
  • Integrated voice and data
  • Point-to-Point (between servers or locations)
  • Web or another server hosting
  • Video conferencing
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) or Intranet

Problems Mostly business Suffers Due To Slow/Unstable Internet Access

Consider the facts as mentioned above and imagine a day at your business with down data connectivity. Can you count the damage it may potentially cost to your company?

An unreliable internet data service may result in a no-work business day, which means no video downloading, no conference call, and no remote employee training. If you think this could be the total damage, think about your reputation in customers if your company uses cloud communication tools like VoIP (Internet Phone Service) for customer support connection. Smart enterprise technologists or owners understand the exact damage unstable data connectivity can cost their firm. Some of which includes:

  • Data Sharing Lag: Dozens of actions are required to perform on different online software like MS Office, Office 365 and G suite etc. during business hours. Slow internet access indicates towards data sharing lag in the form of slower applications, video conference call disturbances, and file-sharing issues. It impacts the business adversely and damages its growth permanently.
  • Company Productivity At risk: An unstable or slow internet access leads to work submission delays, which cause frustration in the employees. A slow internet surfing or application/software functionality breaks the work tempo in workers, which decreases their work focus. They have to wait long for data sharing, opening documents, loading emails, sending attachments and much more. All of these factors highly affect the company’s productivity.
  • Loss in Profit: Slow or unstable internet access means difficulty in operating your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) of the company. Your company’s reputation gets at stake when you cannot contact your customers properly or vice versa. Also, it damages your firm while taking a long time to access any customer information on the panel for payment or queries when it is required to do so in seconds.

Competitive Benefits Of Fast Internet Access For Business:

  1. Fast Cloud Computing: An efficient Internet access allows you to access your cloud services and applications faster. It creates the potential to decrease the IT infrastructure costs in a firm resulting in investment savings.
  2. Better Multimedia Communications: Reliable internet access to your employees, ensure secure data sharing, video conferencing and other multimedia communications. It provides a better corporation internal collaboration and customer engagement experience.
  3. Remote Business Opportunities: You can communicate with your clients across the globe with an in-depth video conferencing facility due to optimized data connectivity. It saves your business expenditures for travelling and accommodation costs.
  4. Business Growth and Expansion: You are open to a whole new world of internet surfing and connecting with your clients from every corner of the world. A fast and Reliable internet access provides you with global partnership opportunities, providing services or collecting resources from anywhere. It helps to expand your business and grow as the leading brand rapidly.
  5. Customized Customer Experiences: You can optimize your customer connection experiences with the latest data-driven applications, services powered with significant data internet access for business.

Budget For Internet Service:

An effective Internet Access for Business catalyzes an organization to boost up its online commercial reach and outshine its performance. However, to optimize an internet connection into your firm, several factors need to be considered before requesting any ISP. Here is the list of some factors to find:

  • Your monthly budget to afford reliable internet access?
  • The number of systems or employees would be accessing the internet?
  • Your estimated downloading speed and data storage required for business?
  • At how many physical locations do you want to set up the internet service?
  • Which features you wish to target more for your business?
  • Mention if you have an existing internet connection.
  • What bandwidth, connectivity mode and installation facilities the ISP offer?
  • Would the internet service be used at a single place or remotely?

There are multiple internet service providers offering their services like Verizon at $39.99 (DSL), Frontier FiOS 30/30 at $49.99(Fiber) and Spectrum Business Internet at $59.99(cable) etc. You can select your Internet Access for Business from a reliable ISP according to your needs on a monthly budget varying in prices, as shown below.

  • $50 – $300 per month (price range for Upgraded Business DSL)
  • $350 – $1,200 per month (price range for T1)
  • $3,000 – $12,000 per month (price range for T3 / DS3)


It is undeniable to count the unlimited benefits of adequate Internet Access for Business. From internal collaboration operations to commercial expansion, small to large every size of an organization depends upon the data connectivity and reliable internet service providers. Thus, find your perfect ISPs with us through a secure platform to expand your business beyond borders.

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