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Read our buying advice for Generators


There's nothing quite as off-putting as having to deal with sudden power outages. Having your daily activities or business operations disrupted because it is absolutely the worst!

That's where generators step in to save the day (or night)! From your house to your office to your children's school, you'll find these machines installed almost everywhere. Are you someone who's looking to get this fixed inside your house? Maybe you want to understand this machine better? Or perhaps you want to know whether the generator you installed is performing well or not.

Either way, you want to know everything there is about generators. To save you from staying up till 3 am with four empty cups of coffee, we've made an easy-to-understand guide to cover all the essentials. Interested? Keep scrolling then!

What Are Generators

Before we start swimming in the sea of questions about generators, let's make sure we know what these are.

Generators are machines fabricated to provide you with electric power. Converting mechanical into electrical energy, these come in various electrical and physical configurations to best suit your needs.

What Are The Different Types Of Generators

The first question that pops in your mind when making a purchase is: how many different types does this thing come in? And it's no different when it comes to generators. This intricate machinery comes in two different types. What are those, you ask? Keep reading to find out!

  • AC Generators

Also known as alternators, AC generators are the most popular means of receiving electrical power.

These generators work based on electromagnetic induction. The different types of AC generators are as follows: induction generators and synchronous ones. What's the difference? Allow us to explain!

  1. Induction Generator

These require no separate DC excitation, regulator controls, frequency control, or governor. Next, when the conductor coil installed inside turns on its magnetic field, it activates current and voltage.

These generators require a consistent speed to actuate a stable AC voltage.

  1. Synchronous Generators

On the other hand, synchronous generators are larger. These either have a rotating field type or a rotating armature one.

The former is popular due to its high power generation capability and the absence of slip rings and brushes. The latter works with slip rings and brushes, making their capacity limited due to high wind losses.

  • DC Generators

While AC generators are popular in power plants and industries, you can find DC generators in off-grid applications.

These generators are manufactured to supply power directly into electric storage devices without much equipment. You can control DC generators to supply at an unmoving speed because batteries recover more fuel.

These as permanent-magnet DC generators, separately-excited DC generators, and self-excited DC generators.

  1. Permanent Magnet DC Generators

These generators come with permanent magnets to produce flux, meaning they require no external field excitation.

Low power applications mostly use permanent magnet DC generators.

  1. Separately-Excited DC Generators

On the flip side, these require an external field excitation to produce magnetic flux. Furthermore, you can switch the excitation to get different output power.

Often these come in use in electro-plating and electro-refining applications.

  1. Self-Excited DC Generators

Finally, self-excited DC generators can produce magnetic fields themselves due to the residual magnetism present in the poles. These are further divided as shunt, series, and compounds generators.

You can use self-excited generators for either battery charging, welding, ordinary lighting applications, etc.

What Are The Components Of A Generator

I know what you're thinking: I know what a generator is, but how does it work? Lucky for you, we're going to be talking about exactly that here!

Modern-day generators work based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. These electric generators convert mechanical energy obtained from external sources into electrical. Meaning that generators do not create energy; instead, they force the movement of electric charges already present in the wires.

To better understand them, let's dive into its fundamentals and operating system. The components are as follows:

  • Engine

Like the name suggests, the engine provides energy to the generator. The amount of energy supplied to the generator is directly proportional to the electricity produced.

  • Alternator

Otherwise known as genhead, the alternator is where the conversion takes place. The alternator contains both moving as well as stationary parts that operate together to create an electromagnetic field.

Here the movement of electrons then generates electricity.

  • Fuel System

This essential part of the generator includes a fuel tank, a fuel pump, a pipe connecting the tank to the engine, and a return pipe.

These components allow the generator to produce energy. To ensure no debris reaches the engine, a fuel filter is attached.

  • Voltage Regulator

If you didn't catch from the name, the voltage regulator, well, regulates the voltage produced. Sometimes it helps convert electricity from AC to DC.

  • Cooling And Heating Exhaust

It's no secret: when machines work non-stop, they create a lot of heat. The cooling and heating exhaust ensures the machine doesn't overheat.

The exhaust system removes all kinds of fumes produced during the operation.

  • Frame

It is the body of your generator, that is, the part that you see. This frame holds all the parts together.

  • Battery Charger

Your generator operates on batteries. When your batteries start dying, this automatic battery charger supplies it with a constant low-level voltage unless they are functional again.

  • Lubrication System

Your generator is a box of small, moving parts. To ensure optimum performance, these need to be lubricated properly. Besides this, the lubricant levels need to be changed regularly as well.

  • Control Panel

The control panel is control of every component of your generator. Starting from the running speed to the output, nothing happens in the generator without the permission of the control panels.

Benefits Of Getting A Generator

Sure, you know what a generator is and how it works, but do you know why you need them inside your house? Worry not, that's what we're here to help you with.

  1. If your house, office, shop, etc. have to deal with a lot of power outages, then you need to get your hands on an electric generator. These help ensure your necessary appliances get a continuous supply of electricity.
  2. In many places where the main electricity lines are unable to reach, generators provide electricity.
  3. A lot of the time, project areas are unable to access electricity from the main grids. For times like these, generators are what is required to power your tools and equipment.
  4. Due to their ability to provide a range of voltage output, these are greatly helpful in laboratories.
  5. A variety of transportation uses these.
  6. Motors use generators to drive as well.

Why Get A Professional To Install Your Generator

Your generator is a complex machine. From the hundred thousand wires to the smaller compartments, you might damage its working through even a little mismanagement.

Now imagine what would happen if you were to install it wrong. Not so good, right? That's why you need to put this job in the hands of experts!

A skilled professional with experience will ensure that every little detail of the installation is taken care of. From ensuring the proper size of the generator is chosen to installing in just the right place, you can count on them to make sure every aspect of your generator is working the way it should be.

And The Cost Estimates Are...

On average, the installation of a generator is between $1,418 to $7,574. On the other hand, commercial generators cost between $7,930 to $11,350.


By now, we're sure you know the ins and outs of generators. There's no need to keep scrolling; you've reached the end of the article.

So, what are you staring at this page for? It's time to get a professional to install the perfect generator for you!

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