Need Electronic Health Records Services?

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Read out buying advice for electronic health records

The advent of technology and modernize software has led our generation to advance and synchronized working patterns in multiple organizations. Be it an organization or mighty hospital, digital networking allows healthcare providers to virtually connect and access the patients’ information for collective better medical care. The patient medical records are stored digitally on Electronic Health Records software systems to be shared securely and confidentially between the providers or organizations. It leads to secure healthcare treatment anywhere in the health facilities.

What Is Electronic Health Records Software System?

Electronic health records (EHR) are the digital documented version of patient medical charts. EHRs are the hi-tech, digital-oriented, patient-centered medical records that permit the authorized users to go through the information securely. EHR software consists of the medical treatment histories of the patients collected and organized on a single computerized platform. It is a digital record system software which is not limited to clinical or statistical data collection through healthcare providers but also ensuring patient’s care on a broader view. Electronic health records software tends to play an essential role in empowering the health IT industry and offers the following conveniences:

  • EHRs consist of patient’s medical records.
  • EHRs modernize and systematize the healthcare providers’ workflow.
  • EHRs allow providers to make a significant decision for patient’s care because of the evidence-based tools access integrated into EHR systems.

What Electronic Health Records Software Offers For Healthcare Providers?

The Electronic Health Records System encompasses more than a computerized version of medical records. The EHR software contains the comprehensive patients’ health records in digital format. Electronic Health Records includes the data, which is a more precise and detailed version of the patients’ medical records. It may consist of the providers’ and clinicians’ information involved in the particular patient treatment as well. The EHR software system is designed to store information or instilled data about the patients on the cloud database, which can be accessed later by healthcare organizations. These healthcare organizations may include

  • Pharmacies
  • Emergencies
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Specialists
  • Laborites
  • medical imaging facilities
  • workplace medical clinics.

Electronic Health Records systems collect several types of patient data records on a single computerized platform. It is not an ordinary software which would manage only patient medical history; instead, it contains wide-ranging details like:

  • Patient Disease Diagnosis
  • Medication details
  • Allergies Details
  • Lab-test results
  • Patients’ demographics
  • Medical History
  • Billing and Administrative data
  • Immunization Details
  • Radiology images
  • Progress notes
  • Vital Signs

Problems Occur In Healthcare Facilities Without EHRS Systems

  1. Managing Medical Records: Storing the patient medical information hardcopy or uploading the medical details on electronic records databases poses a significant information security infringement threat for patient medical records privacy and confidentiality. The patients’ medical records are considered to be confidential, private, and sensitive, which should be accessed only by authorized persons. Health informatics management through inefficient data handling methods, possesses an excellent risk for healthcare organizations. The patient medical records manipulation or damage may cause severe issues for healthcare providers.
  2. Security Breach Issues: Hospitals and Health organizations may face health informatics security breaches of high-profile patients while sharing or mishandling of the data between organizations or providers. A security breach may also count in when a patient medical record is shared with others without the concerned patients’ approval. Integrating an efficient EHR system with an encrypted password may prevent the hospitals from security breach allegations.
  3. Wrong Data Entry: The medical records transferred into the systems manually or written on paper charts might have errors and mistakes. The mistakes in the patient’s medical data entry may cause severe health safety problems during medical treatments. A misspelled medical terminology or wrong medicine name on the paper chart may cause severe consequences for the patient’s well-being.

Advantages Of Electronic Health Records Software Systems In Healthcare Organizations

The EHRs system empowers healthcare organizations to electronically exchange health information and ensure optimum quality, secure patient care through collective efforts of health providers. The EHRs software benefits the health organizations and providers in the following ways:

  1. The EHRs systems contain the precise, complete and up-to-date health informatics of the patients at the point of care.
  2. It enables the health providers to access the patient records in a more efficient and coordinated manner.
  3. The EHRs software ensures smooth and secure electronic information sharing management with clinicians, patients, and providers.
  4. The EHRs systems help the health providers to diagnose the patients effectively, reduce medical errors during treatment and ensure safe patient medical care.
  5. The EHRs information processing encourages health providers and patients to interact and communicate successfully; it increases healthcare convenience.
  6. The EHRs systems ensure secure and reliable prescribing.
  7. The software system promotes legible and complete documentation, including streamlined administrative coding and billing details.
  8. The software enhances patient data security and privacy.
  9. The EHRs systems help health providers to improve organization productivity and work-life balance.
  10. It enables healthcare organizations to meet and expand their business goals.


According to a health affairs study, a multi-physician practice spends $162,000 to integrate an EHRs system in the organization, approx. $85,000 additional cost is required for yearly maintenance costs. According to the study statistics, about six hundred and eleven hours are spent to prepare and implement the EHR system effectively. However, getting an EHRs system integration to depend upon the following factors:

The number of licensed physicians practicing in healthcare units.

  • 1-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-25
  • 25+

At how many locations do physicians practice their treatments?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3-4
  • 5+

What type of practice do the physicians offer?

  • Primary care
  • Hospital
  • Dental
  • Physical therapy/chiropractic
  • Specialty
  • How many organizations will be accessing the cloud database?


The Electronic Health Records software systems are the most proficient tool to transform health care organizations, patients’ medical record management, and health provider’s assistance. The EHRs systems facilitate the healthcare providers and the organizations for achieving their financial incentives as well as encourage shared healthcare services.

You must be looking for a professional and up-to-date Electronic Health Records software systems to assimilate in the healthcare practicing units. We connect you to the most trustworthy service providers offered through our platform to transform the traditional medical records handling practices with electronic optimized data records management.

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