Need Employee Background Check Services?

Need Employee Background Check Services?


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Read out buying advice for employee background checks

Even though we are living in the 21st century where we have the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, that has replaced the human work in most of the areas; large business organizations still rely on the human task force.

No matter how confident you are about avoiding the ‘Bad Employee’ hiring, you can’t be always certain whether the employee you are hiring is actually a good investment!

When it comes to hiring an employee for your organization, their skills, qualification, and experience is not just the only thing that is needed to be checked. In fact, there are other things that must be checked and verified before you decide on hiring someone in your office.

And we understand that Human Resource departments in every organization are the experts in scraping out the best ones out of the masses, there is still a risk that you might end up having an incompetent employee. Which is why you need  ‘Employee Background Check Services’.

Whether you are looking for reasons why your organization needs the services of an employment verification company, or want a quick employee background verification, you have landed on the right web-page!

Employee Background Checks – Overview:

Pre-employment background check services or simple the ‘Employee background check’ is basically a review of the applicant’s information and details. In addition to the verification of the applicant’s certifications, the employment verification company also checks their criminal, commercial, financial as well as employment history.

Usually, the employers or the background checking company/service provider conduct this process before hiring the employee. But in some cases, the employers seek the assistance of employee background checks companies, after hiring the employee.

Whether you want to do an employee background checks before or after getting them on board, these service providers must abide by the laws of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). It means that even the employee background checker companies are allowed to look to limited things.

Reasons That You Need A Employee Background Checker Services:

The employee background check is always beneficial for the organization. But the benefits get ten times more fruitful when you use the assistance of some background checker service provider.

Before we start discussing the benefits or reasons why an organization must get previous employment verification from employer (pervious) for his/her employee, let’s know about how you can get yourself employee background checks services.

Well, that’s just simple. All you have to do is answer the above the questionnaire that requires information on:

  • Whether you are currently screening your employees or not,
  • Number of applicants that you want to screen,
  • What type of background check services you are looking for – criminal records, financial records, previous employment history, etc.
  • The time frame for the screening process.

Here is a list of reasons why Employee Background Checks is important and how it improves your hiring and recruitment program efficient!

1.   Create A Competitive Workplace:

If you want to make your organization’s work environment competitive and you want to stand out from the crowd, you need highly skilled and competitive employees. And the best way to measure the competencies of your employees before hiring them is through employee background check services.

2.   Ensure Safety:

Whether you do it by yourself or hire some employment verification company, you are ensuring the safety of your workplace. But when you involve a third party checker they go through the background of your respected employee without any bias. They are professionals and knows where to look and how to ensure that your employee has clean employment and personal background.

3.   Builds Trust Among Employees, Customers, and Investors:

When you hire a skilled and competitive employee with a great employment background you show your employees and other stakeholders, a good faith. And as a result, you gain their trust. Not just the trust, a trustable and reliable workforce, also affects the revenue of your company.

4.   Reduced Percentage Of Errors, Inefficiency, and Negligence:

With previous employment verification from employer, you can easily asses whether the applicant is dedicated to the work or not. The ultimate benefit of this measure is that you reduce the chances of errors, mistakes, and mismanagement of work. Moreover, there are low chances of negligence and inefficiency within the organization.

5.   Increased Productivity:

By doing a check on employees’ or applicants’ backgrounds is actually a step towards improving the overall productivity of the business. Because this way you are getting the best ones only.

6.   Reduced Employee Turnover Ratio:

According to surveys, organizations that hire employees without a proper background check tend to have a high employee turnover ratio. It is because they end up hiring incompetent or ineligible employees. But when you hire an employee after a thorough background check, you reduce the turnover ratio that has positive impacts for your organization.

How Much Does This Cost?

Though the overall cost for employee background check services varies depending on the vendor, what type of background check you require and how many applicants are there. But on average the cost of having a

  • Background check for County Court Criminal could be around $15 to $20 maximum per employee. This background check covers offense dates, arrest and felony information, case number and misdemeanors, etc.
  • Statewide Criminal background verification could range from $3 to $65 per applicant/employee. In addition to the report on issues covered in county court criminal background checks, it includes age, address history, and offense description and history as well.
  • Report on Motor Vehicle/License background could vary from $10 to $25 per employee.
  • The verification report on the Basic National Profile is $39/employee, $79 for Essential National Profile and $149 for Management National Profiles.

Work With Us And Have Peace Of Mind!

So do you want to run a background check on your current employee? Or maybe you want to screen the best, competent and eligible applicants from the number of applications. If this is the case and share your burden with us, by just filling the above questionnaire. And we assure that we will assist you in providing the best employment background check services at the most affordable rates!

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