Need Medical Billing Services?

Need Medical Billing Services?


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Read out buying advice for medical billing services

Healthcare providers make insurance claim for the services offered using medical billing services. It translates healthcare care services into numbers, i.e., draft a billing claim.

A medical biller, then, can optimize the overall performance of the healthcare provider.

What are Medical Billing Services?

Medical billing is a simple process that involves submitting the claims. It also requires following up with insurance companies to receive the payments for their services. The services are rendered by a healthcare provider.

The healthcare provider submits, follows up, and appeals claims with health insurance agencies. This helps them to receive timely payment for the services rendered.

The services include testing, procedures, treatments, and in some rare cases, consultation. Most of the insurance companies use similar billing processes to cover the expenses.

What are the Different Types of Medical Billing Services?

Three main types of Medical Billing Services offered are namely:

1. Light Medical Billing Services:

They encompass least amount of insurance claim services. Healthcare institutes having in-house billers use light medical billing services.

2. Full Medical Billing Services:

It is the most common and oldest billing method to handle the revenue cycle. It is ideal for small, medium, and medium-to-large practitioners to monitor daily operations.

3. Boutique Medical Billing Services:

These are customizable medical billing services. That can be tailored precisely to meet the particular needs of specialized practice. They are suitable for practitioners who want enhanced billing services. However, these high-end services cost more than their non-customized counterparts.

The Main Steps of Medical Billing Services:

Medical billing seems difficult and complicated, especially when you are a full-time medical practitioner. However, it’s a pretty straightforward process entailing 10 easy steps of registration to claim management. Below, we have a step-by-step breakdown for easy understanding.

  1. Patient Registration.
  2. Insurance Verification.
  3. Medical Coding.
  4. Cross Checking Codes.
  5. Filing the Charges.
  6. Auditing Claim.
  7. Claim Submission.
  8. Follow-ups.
  9. Reimbursements.
  10. Denial Management.

What are the Advantages of Medical Billing Services?

The advantages of medical billing services are:

1. Focused Patient Care:

As a doctor, your primary concern should be healing the patients to complete health. Today, healthcare providers work as administrators or billing officers, which in turn deviate their focus from the job. By outsourcing medical billing services, hospitals can free up personnel’s time and energy. This results in better care for their patients.

By providing more attention to quality healthcare, the practitioner can increase his revenue. Besides that, the improved patient care will help in generating a loyal patient base. This will help in sustaining the healthcare facility’s success over a long period.

Hiring experienced and skilled medical billers allow them to navigate through the claim process without any hassle. This allows them to focus solely on practicing medicine and treating patients.

2. Minimize Billing Errors:

Using professional medical billing services also mitigate the chances of error to zero. These experts have ample knowledge of complicated claim procedures.

Medical billing companies ascertain that they hire qualified and certified billers. Most of them undergo CMRS, RHIA or CPB exams to gain expertise in the domain. Their staff also undergoes various refresher courses to remain at the top of their game. This rigorous training ensures error-free billing.

Furthermore, these medical billers know the critical nature of these claims. Therefore, they ensure that the required paperwork is submitted on time. That, in turn, not only reduces the amount of rejected claims but also saves precious time.

3. Expedites Cash Flows:

Regardless of the company’s size, outsourced medical billing services can minimize costs. It also offers them the freedom to maintain the steady cash flow.

Hiring professional medical billing service providers allows health institutes to achieve revenue goals. They also preserve and improve the economic stability of the institute.

4. Increase Patient Satisfaction:

Healthcare providers can offer focused patient care to their faithful clientele. Outsourcing medical billing services also allows them to increase revenue generation.

Outsourced service providers ensure that the client gets appropriate reimbursement swiftly and efficiently. It allows them to instantly identify the errors and manage denials without any hitch.

Subsequently, healthcare providers can perform without the added burden of billing management. Thus, allowing medical professionals to present exceptional care to their patients. This also allows them to be more compassionate and humane towards their patients.

5. Guaranteed Billing Compliance:

HIPPA mostly certifies Medical Billing Services, health plans, and other such services. The billers conduct audits to ensure health providers adhere to the HIPAA guidelines. Company rules and regulations are designed to ensure the company augments these policies.

How much does outsourced Medical Billing Services cost?

Medical billing service providers charge their clients in 3 different ways: percentage basis, per claim, and hourly basis.

Medical billers, working on a percentage basis, charge a fixed amount of 5%-10% of the total revenue in a month. However, they offer full practice management or a combination of services. This ensures excellent services for both patient and claim billing. The percentage rate is dependent on various factors, including the market rate, the type of care the medical officer provides, and the patient volume.

Medical biller charges $3-$10 on each insurance claim, when working on per claim basis. This method is mostly adopted by those whose claim is pretty straightforward and doesn’t require much management tasks.

Last is the per hour basis, but it is not widely used among outsourced billers. Medical practitioners find them highly expensive as their charging rates and methods are similar to those of in-house billers. The more the time they spend on billing a claim, the more they charge. Old school clients or those whose billing rate is very low, usually, hire billers on an hourly basis. However, it can also generate an income of gross of $20,000 per year.


Outsourcing Medical billing services are life-savers in this modern age of medicine. As not only do they have the expertise, but also they have the resources. Thus, hiring professional medical billers can be a vital addition to your practice.

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